By using INNOFLEXX S900 HP, you can achieve a new level of cost-effective solutions. Our innovative steel powder enables you to integrate the 3D-printing process, into sensitive, high cost supply chains. Whether for serial parts, spare parts, or prototypes, with material properties from a range of a S900 - with INNOFLEXX S900 HP you might need only one single steel powder to realize a wide range of different parts and mechanical requirements. The material properties of INNOFLEXX S900 HP are exceptionally, as an additional heat treatment, i.e. after the 3D-printing process, is not be necessary in most cases. Thus, you will achieve a consistently high-quality component at a competitive price level.
INNOFLEXX S900 HP can be your solution to minimize risks while guarding long lasting delivery-chains to ensure ongoing production. The integration of the additive manufacturing process into the existing production flow, will allow you the continuously production and assembly. Whether for small or medium quantities: In combination with this high-performance steel powder, the ongoing manufacturing of parts can be processed efficiently and flexibly.
Alternatively, one of our INNOFLEXX network partners can assist you, e.g. with protype engeneering services for prototypes and printing on scale.
INNOFLEXX S900 HP was fabricated by thyssenkrupp upon assignment of Daimler Buses GmbH. It was intensively tested on Trumpf’s TruPrint 3000 3D-printing machines. Sole distributor of INNOFLXX S900 HP is thyssenkrupp Schulte GmbH – worldwide.
Especially emphasized, INNOFLEXX S900 HP was designed to achieve the combination of highest material properties in combination with a competitive price level for production. With INNOFLEXX S900 HP, you might even be able to achieve further cost savings: the 3-D printed components don’t have to be additionally heat treated, in most cases. By using INNOFLEXX S900 HP, parts can be printed from preproduction model upon serial production and this from scratch at an economically cost saving point of view level.
New part designs will save material and will therefore significantly reduce the weight of each individual part.
By using additive manufacturing methods, you will be independent from long, international supply and material chains. Part production can take place when the components are needed just in time at your plant. Or, alternatively, your component can be delivered on a short notice by one of our 3D-network partners upon your request.
Storage space and warehousing costs can be minimized, as well as pre-ordering of various material grades might be no longer necessary, only the steel powder for the 3D-printing process is still needed. Your part production has never been so flexible before.
The layer-by-layer production-process, enables completely new components. Next to this, bionic structures and designs, e.g. for valves and flow/ fluid channels can be newly designed by using the metal 3D-printing process.
With INNOFLEXX S900 HP, a competitive cost level can be realized for small to medium quantities.
Prototypes, spare and serial parts can be printed as individual as needed. Especially suitable for your products and your supply chain.
Final parts properties can be individually adjusted, by selecting the appropriate parameters while changing the settings at the 3D printing machine, without needing to change the steel powder. The part properties can achieve values up to a material grade S900, by using INNOFLEXX S900 HP metal powder only.
INNOFLEXX S900 HP has been developed for industrial applications and enables innovative solutions for customized and cost-effective components, that set the highest requirements on mechanical properties. The newly manufactured steel powder combines outstanding values of yield strength with formability, as well as mechanical requirements. It reflects properties of heat-treated steel., e.g. an uniformal bainite microstructure.
Versatile application possibilities: spare parts business, small series production, prototype construction and hybrid component production
Flexible material supply: Use our material for your existing manufacturing and processing capacities.
Comprehensive service: From material and software to engineering and manufacturing to delivery and storage – we are your reliable partner.
Rely on innovation and quality for your supply chain – with us at your side.